Blessing Edmonton Blog's

Hope, Restoration, Wholeness, Freshness, Abundant Life.

7 reasons why I won't argue with God

I was not here when the world started. Why should I argue with his testimony? In law, there's much weight given to the evidence of an eye witness. It is the same more
Canada: A call to repentance

Jesus began his ministry telling the people of Israel to repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17. The kingdom is always near. God is calling the people of Canada to repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. more
The Judge of all the earth

The Judge of all the earth  (A poem) more
You're not what society calls you

Mankind, among many other things, has excelled in labeling things. We have labels for everything and from there, we draw conclusions. I mean we label some people black, some white, some brown. more
Abba loves you

My son asked me yesterday if God does favourites. I simply told him that what is important for me is that He loves me and that's enough. I also know He loves others. more
God has a plan for your life.

God has a plan for your life. One of the greatest and remarkable discoveries you can make in life is to realize that God has a plan for your life, that you are not here by accident irrespective of the circumstances surrounding your birth. That you are not just here wasting away or just counting days. That you are not just a number. You are a destiny designed by God for a purpose. more
Jesus, the answer to the sin question

One thing we ought to keep in mind is that sin hardens our hearts towards God and other people and in our mortal bodies we have no power to overcome it. It is also important for us as we choose more
It's a sensible decision to follow Jesus

My hope is that this finds you well. I am well and full of health and for that, I give all the glory to the one who deserves it, my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, the one and only begotten son of the most more
How God healed me of sleeplessness

I was young but troubled. I was only in my teens, but I was worried to death about my life: school, employment, and what the future holds in general. It was not long before I slid into sleeplessness. more
How I handle racism

Racism has been defined and dissected for decades. It is the thesis of many scholars around the world. For me, put simply, racism is refurbished or rebranded form of hatred towards someone because of their membership of an ethnic group usually a minority. You may not agree with the root word of hatred but like love is the answer to hate, love is the answer to racism. more
Jesus is not a product of any culture.

The Jesus of the bible that we preach as the way of salvation is not a product of Jewish culture or religion though he came in the flesh from that region. It's not a religious idea of some folks who just desire followership like some may have done. He is God's sole provision for the redemption of mankind and restoration of their dignity. more
Your pain is legit

Some time ago I was taking my daughter's braids out and she kept complaining it was painful. I found it unbelievable and her reaction extreme because I felt I was very gentle, and she was faking it, but on further reflection, I realize, who am I to think that way? more
What's in Meth?

I was having lunch with Ben (not real name) some days ago and we got talking on a few issues. At some point, our discussion shifted to drug addiction problem in downtown Edmonton. I wondered aloud why a lot of people take meth despite the destructive effects it has on their lives. He gave me the answer a former girlfriend of his who was into it. She was quoted to have said, it makes her high and that “nothing beats the feeling”. Ben, telling me further the devastating effects of meth on people, said: more
How to get your criminal record wiped out.

There was an article on Canadians that I read some time ago: We are all Treaty People. The write-up describes everybody who has made a home in Canada (whether as an indigenous, Europeans or the immigrants) as all Treaty people. In like fashion, we are all criminals with criminal records – everyone of us born of a woman. Somebody may protest this. I am a Canadian and I have no criminal record here or anywhere in the world. By nature, we have all sinned and deserving of condemnation. There is jurisdiction beyond this earthly realm and the earlier we accept this, the better for us. There are three basic courts: the court of law, court of public opinion and the court of God, the maker of heaven and earth. O yes, there is the criminal justice of God! more
He can give you a new beginning

For one to be talking about a new beginning, it means there was an issue with the initial start. The fact is, not very many of us had a great start but that does not have to be our conclusion. The God who created you has a promise of a new beginning for you where you may have missed it. He has the capacity to create that new beginning because he created you in the first place. He has done it for people before you and he can repeat it with you if you let him more
Simple but Powerful

The simplest and yet most powerful news ever in the history of mankind is that the sins of men can be forgiven. There is provision for the cancellation of sins. Someone once said, there are no good people but only forgiven people. I agree. The bible declares “all men have sinned and have come short of God’s glory. more
Jesus is the answer for the world

A lot of people have problem with the person and deity of Jesus. What they have failed to realize and accept is that He is the answer for the world. He is the answer to the very issues they are trying to fix by themselves. more
The Spirit Realm is a Reality

A famous Hollywood star was reported the other day to have stated that there's no afterlife and that everything stops at death. He is not the first one to doubt the afterlife or anything spiritual but that does not change the fact that there is. The devil wants people to hold the belief that there's no spiritual reality because if he can get you to hold that belief, then he can successfully get you to doubt the existence of God. more