
Abba loves you

Opeyemi Afeni

January 22, 2024

My son asked me yesterday if God does favourites. I simply told him what is important for me is that He loves me and that's enough. I also know He loves others. I should not place his love for me on a scale to determine if he loves another one more than me. That's unnecessary.

I believe this was Peter's issue when he asked Jesus about John after Jesus told him the future awaiting him. Jesus simply answered him, that's not your cup of tea. John 21:22. Be content in the father's love for you, and that's enough.

For so long, some have touted they are more special because of their offices and people idolize them, feeling like second-class children of God, but I know no one is more a child of God than another who has been washed in the blood. Don't let anyone make you feel less loved by the father. You are loved. Don't let another man's access or giftings make you insecure about the love the father has for you. Settle it in your spirit, the father loves you.

The greatest expression of the father's love is the gift of salvation through Jesus (John 3:16), not things, not anointings, not ministry offices, not platforms, not material things. People won't get to heaven because they were mightily used by God. They will simply get there because of the father's love expressed through Jesus. Nothing wrong with all that stuff but we should stop weighing God's love for individuals based on all these other stuffs. There will never be a time when all that stuff will be equally given but the love gift of salvation is provided equally.

Offices or callings do not equate to the measure of the love of the father. Someone has to be the king of Israel at a time, not two, and so, it's not a big deal. Will the king not leave the throne one day? Offices and callings can give more access but even that access is not a right measure of his love. I am blessed with a girl and a boy. By reason of age difference, the girl will step into some things or access certain privileges ahead of the boy but it does not mean, she is more loved above the other. Also, by reason of gender, either of them will access some things the other may not be able to access for life from between myself and their mother respectively but it does not mean either of them is less loved by either me or my wife. It's just what it is. Settle it in your spirit, the father loves you. You don't need no other mediator apart from Jesus. Respect offices and callings but place high premium on the love of the father for you. When you value that love and not belittle it, you will suddenly realize all the father has is yours including access. 

"...The Father himself loves you" John 16:27a

"The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3

Don't be running helter skelter looking for people, access, power, fame, platforms, anointing, material things. What you need is the father and He's not hiding from you in another man. He's been there all along. Be drawn to Abba and enjoy the love walk. The father is for you.  He is available through Jesus. No one can hoard him away from you but if you believe otherwise, it will still look spiritual but you are short changing yourself. There's problem if we place more value on other people's gifting and callings than the love the Father has for us. Ask yourself, do I really accept that the Father loves me? Is it settled in my spirit? Is my jumping around from programs to programs or from places to places or from people to people not actually an evidence of me looking for what's not lost?

Remember the words of Jesus, it is usually so for people according to their faith. Ask the Lord to help you have the right perspective about his love for you as a son.