
Jesus, the answer to the sin question

Philomena Mulovi

October 23, 2023

One thing we ought to keep in mind is that sin hardens our hearts towards God and other people and in our mortal bodies we have no power to overcome it. It is also important for us as we choose to follow Jesus that we remember to seek his power and spirit constantly. When we yield to God’s Spirit within us and walk in obedience, we will walk in righteousness. Acts 5:31, Romans 6:16-19

When man fell, the sweet relationship that God  had with  man suffered and since there was nothing worthy to restore and redeem mankind  from this sin, no amount of blood sacrifice was enough to bring us back to relationship that  existed between God and man; but in the loving kindness and wisdom of our father, the Almighty God, He gave his one and only son JESUS CHRIST to come down from heaven into the world to take away our sins and redeem us from the power of sin and death, freedom from the captivity of the enemy. Jesus set us free from the curse of life and whoever the son sets free is free indeed.

If God gave unto the world, to you and me His one and only son to take our punishment so that we can have life through Him and bring reconciliation between God and man, what excuse do we have then for not accepting this gift? We have a friend in Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, the first born from the dead, who has tested much suffering and rejection because of us.


When we decide to follow Jesus, we have confidence that we can overcome any challenge. Through his grace, he gives us everything we need for victory no matter how big it is. Our God is bigger! John 16:33. Having this knowledge in mind, lets remember this world will not last forever - Jesus came as human, died, resurrected, and ascended back into heaven. This was witnessed by real people not legends or fictional characters that testified to this; evidenced by the Holy Spirit Acts 1:3. During the forty days after he resurrected, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was alive and talked to them about the kingdom of God.

My observation: Only Jesus said to his followers where he is and what he is doing for them that trust in God and in his saving power. Jesus came, suffered, died, was buried. He resurrected and he ascended into heaven, and he is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. Only Jesus has the answer for the question of sin. No other person does.