God has a plan for your life.
November 29, 2023
One of the greatest and remarkable discoveries you can make in life is to realize that God has a plan for your life, that you are not here by accident irrespective of the circumstances surrounding your birth. That you are not just here wasting away or just counting days. That you are not just a number. You are a destiny designed by God for a purpose.
God has a plan for your life. Your parents may have a plan. Society may have a plan or some expectation about you and you may even have one too, but greater than all that is the plan God has for your life. Jeremiah 29 verse 11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God has a plan to prosper you and not to harm you. Contrary to the narrative of the world system, God is for us. The world has found a way to ascribe every natural disaster to God. If you have seen pain in your life or difficulty as we all have at different times, I like you to know that they did not come from God. The world is in a fallen state because man fell into sin. With sin came all the negative consequences. From the beginning, it was not so. Everything is messed up because man allowed sin and devil. We turned our back on God. We make all kinds of laws for ourselves in outright defiance to God because we are trying to prove a point to Him that we can be self-sufficient. We can only wait to see how far we can go by ourselves.
God has a plan to give you hope and a future. There is hope beyond this place for anyone who would yield his or her life to Jesus. Jesus is God's provision for mankind to come out of the fallen state of man. No matter what you are facing right now, there is hope and a future for those who believe in Jesus.
When a man and a woman come together intimately, a baby is formed. That's the way God designed it. Every child is special and made for a purpose. Everyone is born with the DNA of God in them. It is actually disrespectful to look down on any one because of their colour or because you consider their background is disadvantaged. We need to learn to know people beyond their physical qualities. Man is essentially a spirit packaged in a casing called flesh and God has a plan for every flesh. Our colours don't define us, our spirit does.
No one is designed for a low life. Every life and indeed every destiny is important. This has nothing to do with the way you were born or the community into which you were born. The life of a man is not in how much they possess. Luke 12:15. We need to simply learn to just respect people because they're human beings. We are made in the image of God, the Bible tells us. Genesis 1:27 “Male and Female He created them.” that's big value right there - being made in God's image.
When God created you, He designed you with an objective in mind. That objective is connected to his eternal purpose. His purpose is specific and custom made for individuals. Let me tell you something, no matter what the society has made you to believe or accept, you are created in God's image. There is royalty in your being. I know that may not be your current experience but that doesn't change the stuff He put in you. It will eventually line up with who you are if you surrender to Him and allow Him to work it out. We risk a big loss when we don't allow Him.
God has plans to bless you. Blessings is not just about money. The greatest blessing from God is his love manifested in his gift of salvation (eternal life). People can have money without having God in their lives but no one can have salvation without Jesus in their lives. [Acts 4:12]. The blessing of God makes riches and there is no sorrow accompanying it. Proverbs 10:22. You have the gift of eternal life the moment you say “Yes” to Jesus. Other blessings follow. God wants you to be well financially and physically. He has plans to turn curses that maybe in your lineage and make it blessings. No matter what destroyed people who came before you, do not accept that as your finality. He wants you to be well and also know contentment.
He has an assignment for you. One of my assignments is to tell others of the saving grace of God. I know He can turn around a messed-up life to become beautiful. He can instill that discipline and stamina in you to help get you over those addictions. I have seen him change lives radically and I have seen some steadily as they learn to walk with God one day at a time. The bottom line is this: the meaning to your life and fulfilment you have been seeking for are all in Jesus, not elsewhere.
Jeremiah 29:11, Genesis 1:27; Luke 12:15, Acts 4:12, Proverbs 10:22
The Blessing Centre Ministries Edmonton,
12722 127 St NW T5L 1A5,
Edmonton, AB