
7 reasons why I won't argue with God

Opeyemi Afeni

October 12, 2024

  1. I was not here when the world started. Why should I argue with his testimony? In law, there's much weight given to the evidence of an eye witness. It is the same reason why I won't entertain the naysayers questioning his authority because they were not there when the world started. Why should I accept the testimony of those who don't even know enough to accept their limitations compared to the one who has been before the world began? There are so many theories about how we evolved but I chose to go by bible account.                                                                                                                                                                                       
  2. People who came before me who were wiser submitted to him. I observed their end and I see it makes sense to believe what they believed.

    Psalm 22:4-5

    In you our ancestors put their trust;

        they trusted and you delivered them.

    To you they cried out and were saved;

        in you they trusted and were not put to shame.”


  3. People who came before me who chose the path of doubt and refuse to acknowledge him. I observed their ending and saw it is foolish to follow the same path. 

    Psalm 14:1a The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. 

    Exo 5:2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. See the end of the story in Exodus 14.


  4. Who else said He is the way? Who else has the answer to the question of sin? There's no one, no god or idol who has been so affirmative or sure like He does. He is the only one who has said a thing, several thousands of years later and it came to pass. Wisdom tells me the other things he talked about that are still in the future will come to pass.                                                                                                                                                                               
  5. What He's demanding from me is simple. Believe in the one He has sent and some people are actually refusing that because it's too simple. Jesus came, died on the cross and shed his blood for the salvation of mankind. If you put your trust in him, you will be saved. This is the gospel- good news that man can be saved by grace, not work. I have a stylist who wonders how sensible it is to say God’s salvation plan for mankind involves the blood of his own son. He believes it is by observing prayer in certain numbers of the day and doing charity works. Nothing wrong with prayers or charity works but they hold no power in the salvation of your soul. The way of the cross is the way of salvation.

    1 Cor 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

    “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
        the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

    You say, why should I believe that? It's irrational. Well, I do accept there are aspects of my faith and walk with God that's not rational but I do believe it nonetheless. That's why it's a journey of faith. But wait a minute, you either believe the truth or the lie of the devil. I am not a scientist and I don't understand the law of aerodynamics but I submit myself to a pilot I don't know. They take me up there in the air, in a place I can't navigate on my own but I trust them to do that. Why should I find it difficult to entrust my life as well to the one who says I got you? 1 Peter 1:8 I love him even though I haven't seen him with my natural eyes. It's faith and capable of great rewards such as eternal life.


    He offers me a way out of self-destruction. It is apparent man is going to self-destruct one day. In the midst of that, God is offering me a life so that I don't self-destruct. Does it not make more sense to accept the offer than to argue and continue in self-destruct? Look at what we manufacture, consume, ingest, inhale, take into ourselves or adjust in our bodies and see how much jeopardy we have brought on ourselves. More often than not, we ingest all these things because we're looking for things to complete us whilst turning out back on the only one who completes us. We are not going to find that fulfillment outside Him. The more we argue against him, the more we move away from wholeness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  7. Even if there are other gods, He ranks higher; has better packages. In actual sense, there is no basis for comparison. It is clear that there is a dimension different and far above this natural realm. There are demonic forces and there is a higher realm. In that realm, they admit that Jehovah, Lord God of heaven and earth is the authority. He is the God, the emperor of the universe. His power swallows every other power. I am aware there are some demons parading as gods in different cultures but no one like Jehovah.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1Cor 8: There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live