The Spirit Realm is a Reality
July 21, 2023
A famous Hollywood star was reported the other day to have stated that there's no afterlife and that everything stops at death. He is not the first one to doubt the afterlife or anything spiritual but that does not change the fact that there is. The devil wants people to hold the belief that there's nothing spiritual about our existence. If he can get people to hold that belief, then he can successfully get them to doubt the existence of God or their need for God. Little why some people can live their lives without recourse to God because they do not believe there is a God anywhere. With that doubt, the devil can easily get them to be careless about the future while they keep believing everything is within their grasp and/or under the control of science.
Here is the plain truth: in the spirit realm, there are two forces, and this is more than just the generally known two forces of good and evil as we have come to know. I am talking about real people in the spirit just as we have human beings on the earth. The bible calls God the father of spirits. (Hebrews 12:9). The devil himself is a spiritual being. So, in the spirit realm, there is God the Lord of the universe, the creator of all and there is the devil. Their influence on the world is visible and undeniable. I have evidence of the manifestation of God’s power in my life. I had a breathing problem in my teenage years. My breath would seize at intervals, and I would gasp for breath. It continued for some time until, in a meeting led by people of my age group, the power of God touched me, and I was healed ever since of that problem. I have seen numerous miracles beyond science to establish there is a power beyond humans at work. Too many miracles and in diverse locations to denounce the suggestion that it was by chance. This is the power of a God at work among men.
On the other hand, I have also seen the imprint of the devil as well. I have seen people messed up by the devil. I have seen knowledgeable who despite their high intellect subscribed to things that will kill them, destroy their lives, families, career and leave them wasted. The devil has an agenda among men and that is to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10). You only need to see how drug addiction has wasted many lives and destinies for you to know there is evil among us.
God and science
God has an agenda too and I am trying to point these out to you, in this piece. I Tim. 4:6 He wants men all saved. He takes no pleasure in the death of sinners. He wants everyone to come to repentance. Listen, the life you live is beyond natural and you're either subscribing to the agenda of God or that devil. No middle ground. I may not have all the answers to everything spiritual, but I have evidence cogent and undeniable to show there are two spiritual forces seeking to gain control of man and it makes a lot of common sense to me stay by God. I have evidence in the natural of people who chose God and they never regretted and ditto people who chose devil and are messed up. The parting of the red sea is a historical fact, not just biblical knowledge. The virgin birth is not scientific, but it happened just like science cannot explain a woman with no womb giving birth. In fact, in some cases, science helps me to know there is more to life than meets the eye. For instance, if science could help me to know that there are indeed other planets that man can explore and visit without prior experiential knowledge, there is no basis for me to doubt heaven or hell.
Friends, the spiritual realm is a reality. I should not let the devil deceive me into denying it and thinking it all ends here. It will be too late to wait for more proof after death. I think it is common sense for me to believe. One, I stand to lose nothing to believe and afterwards find it all ends here than to disbelieve and later find it exist. However, whether or not you accept my testimony that it exists, please note that It is the desire of God to have you in a relationship with him. He made a provision for that. All that is required to believe on the son whom he has sent, Jesus Christ. I decided to follow Jesus some years back and have had no regret. Would you be willing to make the decision?
Unbelief will hurt you more than the devil is letting you know.
As a creative writer, I know the difference between creating a story and narrating a real event. The devil is not afraid of his existence being denied so long God's existence is being denied too. He thrives in darkness and doesn't want to be discovered. God is light and he wants to be seen by men. The reality of God can't be explained by science but if the devil can get you to disbelieve after life or the spiritual realm, then, he can get you to deny God or the afterlife. That's the game he is playing. He doesn't want you to experience the salvation program of God. He tells men that they are in control of their lives and that they should not subscribe to one God somewhere who cannot be seen or sensed scientifically. I have believed him for nearly my entire life and not one single harm have I known because of that belief. And there are several million who have done so. The disbelief will hurt you more than the devil is letting you know.
This is not a contest of ideologies or of religions. I am introducing or re-introducing to the one who has set his love upon you. You are not reading this by accident. It is because he has made up his mind to reach out to you. He had you in mind when he sent his son to pay the price for the salvation of mankind. His words say, on the day you hear his voice, don't harden your heart. (Hebrews 3:15). He wants to show you the life he has designed for you. Would you let him?
If you need more insights on this and many more issues about God, faith, eternity, afterlife, feel free to reach out. Everything about God is open, no darkness, no hidden agenda. He wants men saved and avoid the destruction that sin brings. And this is no spiritism. This is bible knowledge. God bless you.
The Blessing Centre Ministries Edmonton,
12722 127 St NW T5L 1A5,
Edmonton, AB