How to get your criminal record wiped out.
September 14, 2023
There was an article on Canadians that I read some time ago: We are all Treaty People. The write-up describes everybody who has made a home in Canada (whether as an indigenous, Europeans or the immigrants) as all Treaty people. In like fashion, we are all criminals with criminal records – everyone of us born of a woman. Somebody may protest this. I am a Canadian and I have no criminal record here or anywhere in the world. By nature, we have all sinned and deserving of condemnation. There is jurisdiction beyond this earthly realm and the earlier we accept this, the better for us. There are three basic courts: the court of law, court of public opinion and the court of God, the maker of heaven and earth. O yes, there is the criminal justice of God!
Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Romans 3:23. for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
In the court of man, you can have a plea deal and negotiate a light sentence or gets the charge against you dropped due to the weakness of the prosecution’s case. In the court of public opinion, it is largely sentimental and emotional with no force of law. In the court of God, everyone is culpable, and it is so easy for the prosecution to discharge the burden of proof because nothing is hidden that will not be revealed. There is no weakness in the prosecution’s case and the prosecutor does not engage in a plea deal. He is such a ruthless prosecutor, just like some crown who can take things personally. In essence, we all ended up having criminal records.
In the natural, criminal records have consequences. You may not be able to land some jobs or be allowed into another country. The criminal records like a sword of Damocles are just hanging there working against you without making noise. Just like that, the criminal records in supernatural realm have consequences. Without our sins blotted out, we will not be able to see God when our time is up here. What is more? He has made provision out of his abundant love and wisdom to take care of the criminal records for anyone willing. He has provided for you a defence counsel who will the job for you at no cost. Does it not make sense to have that record taken care of than to be arguing against the existence of God which is clearly undeniable?
Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us debate your case,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall become as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be like wool.
1 John 1:7-9 …the blood of Jesus Christ, His son cleanses us from all sins.
The beauty of this is that the record of criminal conviction can be wiped out in an instant. There is no need for a long process to do that. If you want your criminal record in Canada wiped out for instance, you must wait certain years before you can apply and even when you apply, there is a procedure that could take at least 6 months from the date of submission. In the court of God, that record can be wiped out in an instant. Only request for it by faith and you have it.
Someone may protest and I say, I don't care about God and will not accept that He has jurisdiction over me. Well, that is as good as an Albertan who is of NDP saying, because I am not a UCP person, the premier or the provincial court that has issued warrant against has no jurisdiction over me. You can be on the run but one day the long arms of the law will catch up with you and while you are at that, you remain a fugitive with no peace. Whether we like it or not, every knee shall bow before him one day. It does not matter what anybody is saying. No matter how wealthy or knowledgeable or woke one is, you will submit one day and answer for your sins. The people who are more knowledgeable and richer than you have submitted because they could see the wisdom in it. He made you and he holds your breath in his hands. It is hard for you to kick against your maker and not pay for it.
Listen, He is not interested in experimenting his power on you. He loves you so much. If his offer of pardon and forgiveness is rejected, He is not the one that will punish you. It is your choice that will produce the result. He that believeth on him is not judged: he that believeth not hath been judged already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18. People have argued that the God who we claim is love cannot destroy people in hell. Definitely not, he is not the one. It is the people's choice that will determine their destiny. He takes no pleasure in the death of sinner. He wants everyone saved.
Will you embrace his offer of pardon? It can be so this very instant. He wants to blot the records and remove them far from you. Even if you have criminal records in the court of man or public opinion, he wants to give you a brand-new beginning. If you have none before man but have in the eternal justice system of God, he wants to wipe your records of sin which you inherited as one born of man and woman. God is merciful and gracious.
Recognize your need for forgiveness. Quit resisting and arguing against your God. Humble yourself. It takes nothing from you, it only adds to you. You don't need to get good before you can get God. It is when you get God that you can become good. There is no right in yourself as a man, you get right through the blood of Jesus, and it is that blood that can wipe out your record. Come to him right now and ask him to wipe out your sins. Confess and acknowledge Him as your Lord and saviour and it will be well with you. Romans 10:9-10.
The Blessing Centre Ministries Edmonton,
12722 127 St NW T5L 1A5,
Edmonton, AB