Simple but Powerful
August 9, 2023
The good news in the gospel of our Lord Jesus is that there is now a provision for the cancellation of sins.
The simplest and yet most powerful news ever in the history of mankind is that the sins of men can be forgiven. There is provision for the cancellation of sins. Someone once said, there are no good people but only forgiven people. I agree. The bible declares “all men have sinned and have come short of God’s glory”.
We all are sinners by default but there is forgiveness with God. Forgiveness is cancellation of sins. Talk about suspension of criminal record, it is something bigger than that. In the administration of criminal justice system, there is room for some convictions (not all crimes) to be blotted out of your records such that it can never be retrieved from any record or used against one anymore. However, with God, there is no sin beyond pardon. ALL sins can be forgiven no matter how grievous in the eyes of man.
You say, “which sins are you talking about?”
“Who is forgiven who?” another may say.
This information – that God is open to forgiving men of their sins is ignored by some people. They are either not conscious of their sinful state and the consequences awaiting them or conscious of the information but refusing to believe in the existence of a God who will bring everything into judgment one day. Hence, they do not see any need for forgiveness.
Our world is deeply enmeshed in things we consider relevant for our existence here. We talk about climate change, criminal justice system and the increasing crime rates, human rights index of nations, gender rights, pandemic etc. because we consider those subjects as the real relevant issues for living here. No doubt, they are issues deserving of attention, but there are some more important issues we neglect because we do not consider them important. Sin, forgiveness, and afterlife are some of the issues.
The sin of unbelief
In John 16:9, Jesus taught about the sin of unbelief in the one sent by God. Today, many still chose to disbelieve the one whom the father sent.
“If that is it, who cares about God and his forgiveness? He can hold on to his forgiveness.” Well, you should care, because unbelief has consequences.
“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son”
John 3:18
You say, “I don’t care about any God”.
Well, you should. A day is coming when you will appear before him willy-nilly. Listen, God is one to whom we are all responsible whether we accept now or not. All men – of all colours, races, shape, and sizes - will appear before him someday. Out of his love and concern for you, this message is getting across to you.
You say, these are all religious stuffs, and I don’t do religion.
Well, this is not religion. It’s about a suitor going all out to get a bride. That’s why he’s coming after you again and again. Love is compelling him to go after you despite your refusals. He is a loving suitor. He knows you have no life outside of him. He is trying to show you the deceit of the devil so that you can swallow its poison. He knows the devil has an agenda – to steal, kill and destroy but he has eternal life to give.
Eternal consequences
You see, long before the concept of state or what we may prefer to call democratic society started, God has been, and still rules in the affairs of men. It is in his design to bring everything to reckoning someday. The judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah is a historical fact which points to the fact that he will yet judge this present world someday. The fact that actions in our regular society have consequences should clear anyone’s doubt as to whether there would be eternal consequences. Meanwhile, God’s forgiveness, if accepted, absolves you of guilt or having to face eternal condemnation. God made that provision out of his love for humanity because it is not his desire that anyone perish. It takes believing in Jesus to bring about that pardon. Romans 10:9-10
You say, I don’t believe all these stuffs, they are all unconfirmed tales. They are not. Check history. God made the heavens, the earth and you for his purpose. He created you for fellowship, but sin brought about separation. Nevertheless, he made provision for forgiveness so that the relationship can be restored. That’s the good news. No effort required of you, just believe on the son, Jesus, whom the father has sent. You don’t have to be perfect or good to get the forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a gift.
By one man, Adam, sin came into humanity. By one man, Jesus, righteousness as a gift can be given to every man. Your sins can be forgiven. You lose nothing by believing Jesus, rather you gain forgiveness, righteousness, peace with God and joy in the Holy Ghost. You gain freedom, liberty, eternal life. There is no better news – that your sins can be forgiven.
If you want to accept, the forgiveness of Jesus and become a child of God with the hope of eternal life, go ahead and talk to God now in the way you can. It does not have to be a perfect prayer. The prayer below can serve as a guide. Romans 10:9-10
“Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I have just read that my sins can be forgiven through you. I believe. Would you kindly forgive me my sins and hand me the gift of righteousness. I believe in you. I believe you’re the one sent. I confess you as the Lord and saviour. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus’ name. Amen”
Friends, if you say that prayer or want to learn more about Jesus, write to us at our address and we’ll be glad to share more with you and be of help in any way we can.
The Blessing Centre Ministries Edmonton,
12722 127 St NW T5L 1A5,
Edmonton, AB